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2022-02-20 可持续金融2022-G20可持续金融工作组总体工作路线及重点解析 活动介绍 Agenda


Cheng Lin


协助二十国集团(G20)绿色/可持续金融研究小组中方共同主席,完成三份《G20绿色金融综合报告》,推动中国在担任G20主席和研究小组共同主席期间达成历史性成果;支持央行与监管机构绿色金融合作网络(NGFS)第一工作组完成多项研究工作; 担任“‘一带一路’绿色投资原则”(GIP)秘书处北京办公室负责人,协助来自14个国家和地区的近40家国际大型金融机构在“一带一路”地区开展绿色投资,这些金融机构管理的资产总规模超过48万亿美元。牵头组织绿色金融全球领导力项目(GFLP),为59个“一带一路”国家的近600人开展了绿色金融能力建设;在疫情期间组织在线绿色金融能力建设,覆盖人数超过3000人。

Cheng Lin is Director of Center for International Collaborations at the Institute of Finance and Sustainability (IFS), Head of Secretariat Beijing Office for the Green Investment Principles (GIP) for the Belt and Road. He has been leading the Global Green Finance Leadership Program (GFLP), a platform for capacity building and knowledge sharing on green finance. working under the G20 Green Finance Study Group (2016 - 2018) and the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group (2021- ) and the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) since 2017.

Prior joining the IFS, he served as Deputy Director of Research Center for Green Finance Development at PBC School of Finance of Tsinghua University between 2017 and 2021. Before that, he was with the PBOC from 2010 to 2017, including the International Department and Haikou Central Sub-branch. From 2014-15, he was Deputy Representative at the PBOC Representative office in Tokyo.

He received bachelor’s degree from Wuhan University in 2018 and master’s degree from Shanghai International Studies University in 2010.