We can’t predict the future, but we can prepare for it and help shape it.
To help investors in APAC think beyond the horizon, Alpha Summit APAC offers two days of dedicated content, focusing on the investment industry’s biggest challenges and most compelling trends across the APAC region — from shareholder activism and advances in fintech to sustainable investment strategy and capital allocation—all with a focus on giving you the investment tools and best practices you need to succeed.
Why You Should Attend
With a determined focus on regional issues, Alpha Summit APAC delivers content from some of the most important voices in the industry today – who will inform, instruct and inspire our global online audience. If you’re engaged in business and investing in the APAC region, this is a must-attend conference– a curated online experience like no other!
Agenda Highlights
All Agenda times are displayed in HKT (GMT +8)
February 10
12:00 -12:20
Welcome and Opening Remarks: Think Beyond the Horizon
We can’t predict the future, but we can prepare for it and help shape it. To help investors see beyond the horizon, the 2022 Alpha Summit APAC will offer two full days of dedicated content focusing on the investment industry’s biggest trends and challenges across the APAC region. Unique access to industry luminaries and thought leaders will provide insights on five main themes: Opportunities and Responsibilities with Sustainable Investing, Excelling in A Post-Pandemic World, Harnessing the Benefits of Innovation and Technology, The Future of Capital Markets Today and Advancements for the Investment Management Professional.
12:20 -12:35
Fireside Chat: Progress in Greening the Financial System—Lessons Learned and Looking Forward
Government funding will not be enough to support the “greening” of financial markets and economies, but policy incentives and other tools can be used to stimulate the development of green finance. Investors also have a key role to play in developing the next generation of market-based instruments that can go beyond such conventional methods as green bonds and carbon markets. What are the next steps to mobilize green finance and investment? How can we anticipate potential transition risks and shocks? What are the best ways to hone our skills to produce better environmental risk analysis?
12:45 -13:35
Panel Discussion: Climate Change Risk – Action for Industry Stakeholders
The rapid growth of the ESG integration and impact investing strategies highlights the importance of efficient capital allocation in the transition to a low-carbon global economy. But despite rising popularity, climate-related investments continue to face fundamental challenges, such as limited data, “greenwashing,” and ESG ratings divergence. What are the best practices for measuring, disclosing and integrating climate change considerations into decision making? How can asset owners, investment managers and other financial industry practitioners move the needle in pursuit of net zero through better corporate engagement and stewardship?
13:45 -14:35
Panel Discussion: Global and Regional ESG Regulations and Standards – Implications for the Financial Services Industry
The number of ESG regulations and standards has grown worldwide in response to concerns of greenwashing as well as the potential systemic risks posed by climate risks. Initially many of the disclosure requirements were focused on the corporate sector. As corporate disclosures improve, we are seeing more emphasis on improving disclosures from the financial services industry, some through mandatory TCFD disclosures. This has brought about significant opportunities and challenges. How is the industry adapting to these changes? How can we address issues of regulatory fragmentation in a diverse region such as Asia Pacific? Are regulations necessary to ensure capital market integrity and efficiency?
14:45 -15:35
Panel Discussion: The Pandemic’s Impact on Shareholder Activism
Over the past decade, shareholder activists and (more recently) ESG activists have made significant progress in the Asia-Pacific region. Their efforts put errant managements on notice, led to regulatory reforms, enhanced shareholder influence, improved governance and set encouraging examples for others to follow. What are the key lessons to learn from recent cases of successful shareholder activism in Japan, Australia, and other markets in the region, and are there limits to activism? How should various investors engage with companies to drive positive changes in corporate governance as they emerge from the pandemic?
15:45 -16:30
Keynote and Fireside Chat: SDG Investing
As investment managers respond to increased expectations from clients to align with UN PRI Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), fundamental questions still need to be addressed. From establishing frameworks that achieve PRI Sustainable Development Goals to defining, measuring and integrating social factors in valuation analysis, best practices are still evolving. How can investors increase the positive outcomes and decrease the negative outcomes arising from their actions, and what considerations should guide the adaptation of investment processes?
16:30 -16:35
Day 1 Closing Remarks
February 11
12:00 -12:05
Welcome & Overview
12:05 -13:05
Panel Discussion: Managing Pension Funds for Sustainable Long-Term Return
The Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index 2021 highlights repercussions of the global pandemic and ongoing health crisis on retirement systems globally. While many funds strive for sustainable long-term return, they must also deal with the current set of extreme valuations and low expected returns. Facing historically low interest rates and other pressures, how should pension funds modify their approach to asset allocation and redefine investment strategies to provide sustainable long-term performance and better outcomes for retirees?
13:15 -14:15
Panel Discussion: Trends and Changes in Capital Markets Formation
The rise of private markets and the growth of special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) as IPO alternatives in the US, has sparked demand to accelerate the evolution of the region’s capital markets. In the meantime, passive investments, including ESG indexes, continue on a high growth trajectory and may overtake active investing in the next few years. With the changing demographics and investor demand, as well as disruptions from the pandemic, higher inflation and liquidity issues in Asia property debt markets, what trends and changes will shape the short-term and long-term outlook for the region’s capital markets? How should these directions inform investment strategies?
14:25 -15:10
Co-hosted with ACCA: Fireside Chat: Future of the FinTech Eco-System
Technology’s disruption of financial services has only just begun, and financial platforms from payments to insurance and everything in between will undergo some kind of tech-driven transformation. While investors and consumers will gain many benefits, important ethical and security questions also will be raised as more detailed client data is used to provide ever more personalized services in conjunction with open banking. How will the fintech ecosystem evolve and affect investors and firms, and will the changes have a positive or negative impact on the current low levels of investor trust in the investment industry?
15:20 -16:05
Panel Discussion: Investment Management Professional of the Future
The expanding role of artificial intelligence, Big Data, and machine learning has already begun to change the investment industry, but it’s also transforming the very nature of investment work itself. Increasingly, investment professionals will have to deal with investment processes that are shaped and driven by new technologies. How can firms build more effective teams that integrate human intelligence with artificial intelligence? And how will individual professionals need to adapt in order to succeed?
16:05 -16:10
Day 2 Closing Remarks
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